Meet Binky! She is a 10week old, 12lb puppy that was surrendered to a shelter along with her siblings.
Binky is a calm and independent puppy who enjoys outdoor playtime but also knows how to settle down for some serious snuggles. Binky is the perfect balance of playful and chill. She’s friendly with other dogs and quickly picks up on social cues, fitting in seamlessly wherever she goes.
Training: Binky is progressing well with crate training and sleeps through the night without a fuss. Her food motivation and intelligence make her easy to train, and she’s eager to learn new commands and routines. With consistent training, Binky will master her skills in no time!
Interests: Binky loves to romp and play with other dogs and is always ready for some outdoor fun. Whether it’s chasing a toy or running around with her furry friends, she enjoys her playtime. But when it’s time to relax, Binky is all about snuggling up and being your calm companion.