Meet Toffee! She is a 6 month old, 30lb lab mix that was found stray in Tennessee.
Personality: Toffee is a happy and friendly girl. She loves meeting new people and other dogs and is always ready to make a new friend. Toffee’s playful side shines through when she prances around in her kennel with a toy in her mouth, hoping someone will join her for some fun.
Training: Toffee is still a young pup, so she’s learning the basics. She’s eager to please and enjoys spending time with people, which helps her learn quickly. While she’s still working on her commands, Toffee is on her way to becoming a well-behaved dog.
Interests: Toffee loves to play! Whether it’s playing with toys, running around with other dogs, or spending time with people, she’s always up for some fun. If you’re looking for a playful and loving companion, Toffee would be a great addition to your family!