Meet Pete! He is an 8-10 month old, 36lb black lab mix that was found stray in Tennessee.
Personality: Pete is the perfect buddy! He’s a happy, trusting dog who just wants to be your best friend. Pete is smart and confident, and he is always ready to make you smile!
Training: Pete knows his stuff! He’s great at “sit” and “stay,” even without a treat. Pete is very well-mannered on a leash—no pulling. He is a great adventure buddy and loves to enjoy a day outdoors.
Interests: Pete loves being around people and gets along well with other dogs. He’s happiest when he’s by your side, whether you’re going for a walk or just relaxing at home.
If you’re looking for a loving, easygoing dog, Pete is the one for you!
Pete’s personality is shining through this week – he’s even more incredible than we thought! If you are looking for a polite, trainable, snuggly, sweet-as-can-be little nugget, this is your guy. He will literally melt to the floor for you!
Pete can entertain himself with toys or engage in long play bouts with other dogs/humans. He definitely loves being active. But, as hard as he plays, he naps harder. Pete also sleeps through the night in his crate without issues. He’s been so quick to adjust to our routine. It’s quite impressive!
Pete is very eager to please. His leash walking is quite good. Every once and a while, Pete will mouth something he’s not supposed to. But all it takes is one “leave it” command, and he’ll forgot about it. He has had only one accident in the time we’ve had him, and it was because we missed his obvious cues after a lengthy indoor play session. He’s not much of a barker, but does let us know if there’s something outside he’s skeptical of. Unlike many dogs, Pete really enjoys getting his ears cleaned and his teeth brushed. He’s a sucker for a good paw massage too.
We were so excited to welcome Pete to our home this week. He has been such a champ! Pete has taken to his new crate like a boss and sleeps happily throughout the night in his “room” (with no accidents!). He appears to be housetrained and is getting really good walking on a leash. We use a small training collar for him. He gets an A+ for the “sit” command. We are also working hard on “down,” “stay,” and especially “off,” as Pete loves humans and hugs. He was recently awarded the household’s “Best Cuddler” prize! Pete plays well with his 100lb canine housemate. No fear! We suspect he would do very well in a home with another dog, but would also get by just fine as the only pup.
Pete appears to be extremely food-motivated and very trainable. Don’t blink during mealtime – you’ll miss him polish off his kibble. He does great in the car and quickly got over his hesitation with stairs. He has the coolest speckled tongue and no shortage of puppy kisses. This little guy is so awesome!